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This is the Third Book I self-published through createspace. It is a work in progress and is also free online. (if you can find it ha-ha).


The reason it is 45 dollars is because createspace wants money to lower the price for amazon and I have yet to get around to it.


This is basically old data to me even though a reader might find them intreresting. The new data will be posted here, but there is a catch and it will not be ready for some time. It will be in the "Aleodeology" Section as it is password protected. (I will annouce it).


It will also cost money to acquire it. 


And I want complete background checks to access it in a suitable fill-out form.


The reason for this is simple...basically I have exposed the truth about causing FTL, so in the wrong hands you can guess what might happen.





Quantum Nanotechnology


Mark Cater

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